Minitab Macros for use with Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data and Minitab:

Many of these macros call other macros to execute loops. To be able to run the macros with the "exec" command, store them in the same folder as the Minitab executable file. The macros should then be stored in different subdirectories in the directory with the Minitab executable file. (The zipped files have this structure built in.) If not, the path names will have to be changed to match your file structure.
bargraph.mtb 11-2 Produces segmented bargraphs text files zip file 
chisq.mtb Simulates chisquare statistic text files
confsim.mtb 17-4 Simulates confidence intervals text files zip file
pinf.mtb 17-5,19-3 Inference for one sample proportion text files  zip file (also needs bar1p1
randcorr.mtb 8-4 Simulations scatterplots for guessing correlation coefficient text files zip file 
reeses.mtb 13-2 Simulates draws of Reeses Pieces candies text files  zip file (also needs count
senators.mtb 12-3 Draw sample of U.S. Senators text files  zip file 
simsamp.mtb 13-2 Samples from Population with fixed proportion text files  zip file (also needs count
2psim.mtb 22-1 Samples from populations with fixed proportions text files  zip file 
2pinf.mtb 22-3 Inference for two sample proportions text files  zip files (also needs bar2p1
widgets.mtb 14-1 Simulates draws of defective and nondefective widgets text files  zip file (also needs count