Downloading Individuals Worksheets for PC/Windows

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Zip Files
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Mtw Files Zip Files Activity Title
airfare airfare 7-7, 9-1, 9-2 Airfares
alumni alumni 7-11 College Alumni Donations
animals animals 10-1, 10-7 Gestation and Longevity
arbys arbys 7-5, 9-8 Fast Food Sandwiches
atm94 atm94 (4-10), 25-11 ATM Withdrawls
atmmonth atmmonth (3-13, 4-10) ATM Withdrawls
autothef autothef 6-7 Automobile Theft Rates
baseball baseball 26-5 Lengths and Scores
broadway broadway 2-6, 7-8, 9-11 Broadway Shows
brreigns brreigns 3-2, 3-4 British Rulers' Reigns
cancer cancer 4-4 Readability of Cancer Pamphlets
cars95 cars95 7-1, 8-3, 9-5, 15-10 Cars' Fuel Efficiency
challeng challeng 7-4, 8-9 Space Shuttle O-Rings
climate climate 5-6, 8-10, 9-12 Climatic Conditions
climathi climathi 5-6 Climatic Conditions
elecbill elecbill 9-9 Electricity Bills
enroll enroll 10-6 College Enrollments
evaluate evaluate 7-15 Teaching Evaluations
exams exams 25-7 Exam Score Improvements
genphys (old)

genphys (new)

genphys (old) 1-4, 2-2, 4-11, 11-10 Gender of Physicians
golfwinn golfwinn 6-2 Professional Golfers' Winnings
govsal govsal 6-11, 7-14, 9-6 Governors' Salaries
hitchfil hitchfil 3-8, 6-9 Hitchcock Films
hypoatm hypoatm 5-18,25-2, 26-15 Hypothetical ATM Withdrawals
hypobowl hypobowl 26-16 Hypothetical Bowlers
hypoboxp hypoboxp 5-15 Limitations of Boxplots
hypocomm hypocomm 26-1, 26-4 Hypothetical Commuting Times
hypocorr hypocorr 8-1 Properties of Correlation
hypofeat hypofeat 4-3 Properties of Averages
hypoproc hypoproc 3-6, 5-5 Hypothetical Manufacturing Processes
hyposlee hyposlee 24-2, 24-5, 24-10 Students' Sleeping Times
hypostdv hypostdv 5-14 Guessing Standard Deviations
jurassic jurassic 3-9 Jurassic Park
justices justices 4-7 Supreme Court Service (all)
justserv justserv (4-1), 5-1 Supreme Court Service (recent)
marriage marriage (3-7, 7-3, 19-9), 25-3, 25-9, 26-14 Marriage Ages (100)
mcgriff mcgriff 26-3 Trading for Run Production
movies93 movies93 3-10, 10-5 Summer Blockbuster Movies
mutfunds mutfunds 6-15, 26-12 Mutual Fund Returns
pbutter pbutter 7-12 Peanut Butter
penntuit penntuit 3-3 Pennsylvania College Tuitions
perot92 perot92 3-14, 6-12 Voting for Perot
piketoll piketoll (9-10, 10-8) Turnpike Tolls
place92 place92 5-3 Placement Exam Scores
planets planets (4-6, 5-7), 10-2, 10-4, 25-4 Planetary Measurements
popchang popchang 6-1, 6-17 Shifting Populations
rookies rookies 9-7 Basketball Rookie Salaries


sat96 7-13, 8-6 States' SAT Averages
senate97 senate97 12-2, 12-3, 12-4 Sampling U.S. Senators
sporthaz (old)

sportshaz (new)

sporthaz (old) 1-8 Hazardousness of Sports
startrek startrek 6-16, 8-15 Start Trek Episodes
tennsim tennsim 4-9, 5-10, 6-6, 22-3, 26-13 Tennis Simulations
tuitincr tuitincr 3-12 College Tuition Increases
turnpike turnpike (3-11) Turnpike Distances
tvlife tvlife 8-2, 10-3 Television and Life Expectancy
wordleng wordleng 25-10, 26-7 Word Lengths

  Activities indicated by ()'s do not require students to use worksheet.