Downloading Minitab Worksheets for Workshop Statistics

To download all the Minitab worksheets:

Download wsdat.hqx . Either save this file to your disk and then expand it (e.g. with StuffIt Expander, see below) or your browser may be set up to automatically start expanding when it sees the .hqx extension . This will create a new folder. The contents of this folder should be put in the Minitab folder. (Under General Preferences in the Options menu, use the "helpers" tab to define how you want files with the .hqx extension to be handled).

If you do not have StuffIt Expander or some other type of BinHex decoder program, you can dowload it for free using your Netscape browser. For directions, see
Downloading StuffIt Expander using Netscape 2.x
Downloading StuffIt Expander using Netsacpe 3.x
or order a copy on disk directly from Aladdin Systems for a $7.50 shipping and handling fee. See Aladdin Systems for more information and alternative.