Stat 414 – HW 5

Due Friday, Nov 1, 2pm

From problems 1 and 2, let’s try to use R Markdown files.  You can run the code in chunks, but when you are done editing the file, you will press Knit.  I prefer you Knit to Word.  You can respond to the questions I pose either in the R Markdown file or after in the Word file.  There are a couple of spots where I ask you to enter your own code. If you aren’t able to get the Knitting to work, you can extra out the relevant text into a Word file.  Do again submit the problems as 3 separate files.

1) Problem1.Rmd

You might be open to open this page and copy and paste into R as an R Markdown file. You can also save this file to your computer with a .Rmd extension and then open in RStudio.

2) Problem2.Rmd

3) Read the article posted in the Day 10 lecture notes box.

(a) Describe the Level 1 and Level 2 observations in the empirical example.

(b) How do they describe the distinction between a “random intercepts” and a “random coefficients” model?

(c) Summarize what they learned from Figure 2.

(d) Which model did they recommend?