Stat 414 – HW 1


The homework assignments in this class will generally be designed to be completed by the beginning of class on Thursday, but you will have until Friday to submit the file at no penalty.  This does not mean wait until Wednesday or Thursday night to start J 


In general for HWs:

·       You should clearly label all relevant computer output and include it with your explanations. (Note, there are some instructions for making “screen captures” in the Technology Instructions posted in PolyLearn.) I encourage you to always replicate at least some portion the problem statement before each problem to aid your later review. If a link is broken or there is a problem with the file, please email me right away.

·       Document everything. Support any statement you make.

o   This means always include copies of all relevant output that you generate and reference.

·       Label everything.

·       Be ready to interpret everything, including attaching measurement units.


1) (2 pts) Log into the 414 course page in PolyLearn and complete the “Initial Course Survey” (in the Assignments box).  Note, there are no right or wrong answers, this is just data collection for me.  Please try to do this by Thursday. 


2) (2 pts) Complete the Regress Pre-test in PolyLearn.  You will need to make up and enter an access code. You don’t need to tell me your code – I will not match you to your answers, but this will help make me aware of regression topics to spend more/less time on this quarter.


3) Make sure you have access to R and RStudio for the entire quarter. Follow the ‘Technology Instructions’ link (in the Overview box) for downloading instructions.

When R doesn’t work for me, I fall back on JMP and Minitab which can do much of what we want to do this quarter and we will probably spend some time comparing output.