Stat 301 – Review 2
Problems Solutions
1) Weights of 30 (fun-size) Mounds candy bars and 20 (fun-size) PayDay candy bars, in grams, are
shown in the dotplots below.
(a) Which
distribution would you consider skewed to the right?
The Mounds
distribution is a bit skewed to the right and the PayDay
distribution is strongly skewed to the left.
(b) Which
distribution do you expect has a larger mean?
The PayDay distribution is clearly centered around
larger values than the Mounds distribution.
(c) Which
distribution do you expect has a larger standard deviation?
The PayDay values are more spread out/less consistent than the
Mounds distribution.
other words, the Mounds weights are more consistent, but occasionally a few
weight more. The PayDay
distribution is less predictable and often has weights that are much lower than
typical, perhaps the difference of one or two peanuts?
(d) Which distribution
would you suspect will have its mean larger than its
because it is skewed to the right
2) The highway miles per gallon rating of the 1999 Volkswagen
Passat was 31 mpg (Consumer Reports, 1999). The fuel efficiency that a driver
obtains on an individual tank of gasoline naturally varies from tankful to
tankful. Suppose the mpg calculations per tank of gas have a mean of = 31 mpg and a standard deviation of
= 3 mpg.
(a) Would it be
surprising to obtain 30.4 mpg on one tank of gas? Explain.
really, 30.4 is well within one standard deviation of the “population” mean of
z =
(30.4 – 31)/3 = -0.20
(b) Would it be surprising for a sample of 30
tanks of gas to produce a sample mean of 30.4 mpg or less? Explain, referring
to the CLT and to a sketch that you draw of the sampling distribution.
does the CLT apply here? We don’t know
much about the shape of the population distribution, though it’s reasonable to
assume the mileage from different tanks will by symmetric and roughly
normal. But we also don’t care too much
because our sample size of 30 is considered large. We are also assuming these observations are
taken under identical conditions.
So we
will model the distribution of the averages of 30 tanks for be normally
distribution with mean equal to 31 and standard deviation equal to 3/sqrt(30) = 0.5477 mpg.
So a
sample mean of 30.4 would be (30.4 – 31)/.5477 = -1.095 standard deviations
below the mean. This is still not larger
than 2.
the normal distribution, P(< 30.4)
13.7% of samples of 30 tanks will have an average mileage of 30.4 by random
chance alone. We would probably not consider
this a surprising outcome.
(c) Assess the
validity of your calculations in (a) and (b)
always reasonable to calculate a “standard score” as I did in (a). If I wanted to convert this z-value to a
probability, then I would need to know that the tank MPGs follow a normal
distribution. We aren’t told that here though it seems a reasonable
assumption. As stated in (b), we can use
the CLT if we continue to have this believe in the normality of the MPG values
in general or if it’s reasonably close because then the sample of size 30 tells
us that the distribution of sample means should still be approximately normal.
you go to the Sampling from a Finite Population applet and check
the box for Population Model, you can simulate drawing random samples from a
probability distribution rather than a finite population. When the probability
distribution is a normal distribution, everything works very well:
the theoretical probability distribution is not normal but symmetric, things
still work pretty well.
the theoretical probability distribution is not normal to begin with, things
still work pretty well due to the “large” sample size
The file AgeGuesses.txt
contains students’ guesses of my age on the first day of class a few years ago.
(a) Determine and interpret a 95%
confidence interval for the population mean.
By hand: the t critical value
for 95% confidence and 29 degrees of freedom is 2.045
+ t* (s /
) = 48.43 + 2.045 (10.89/sqrt(30))
= (44.36, 52.50)
I’m 95% confident that the
average guess of my age in the population of all Cal Poly students on such an
activity would be between 44.36 and 52.50 years.
On an exam without the computer, for 95% confidence you can use 2 for either z* or t*.
(b) Determine and interpret a 95%
confidence interval for the next student’s guess of my age.
+ t* (s
) = 48.43 + 2.045 (10.89 × sqrt(1+1/30))
= (25.79, 71.07)
I’m 95% confident that any one
Cal Poly student would guess my age between 25.8 and 71.1 years.
(c) Which interval do you feel is more
meaningful in this context?
Opinions will vary, the
prediction interval is quite wide due to the huge amount of variation in the
responses given to this question.
Typically a prediction interval is more meaningful (what will happen
next, vs. what is the long-run mean), but because it’s so wide this one is not
very informative, basically saying I went to graduate school but I’m still
(d) What information would you need to
know to decide whether students’ are “biased” in how they guess my age in this
activity? If you did a test of
significance, would this be a one-sided or a two-sided test?
You would need to know my
actual age, then we could see if the sample mean fell above that
(overestimating my age on average) or below that (underestimating my age on
(e) Evaluate the validity of your
calculations in (a) and (b).
The distribution is pretty symmetric and the sample size is 30 so the confidence
interval in (a) is probably ok (achieves the stated 95% confidence in the long
run) but with the outliers on both sides the distribution has heavier tails
than we might expect for a normally distributed population. If
we believe these long tails exist in the population, then this would cast some
doubt as to the validity of the prediction interval (though again, at least the
distribution is symmetric, but there may be less than 95% of the population
distribution falling within 2 standard deviations of the mean, or more if the
population standard deviation is inflated by such outliers). The nonlinear nature of the normal probably
plot suggests these data are not coming from a normally distributed population.
Interpret the following JMP output
What is being estimated? What do you
think is meant by “actual confidence” and why is it important?
This is a confidence interval
for the median. I’m 95% confident that
the median guess of my age by all Cal Poly students similar to those in this
study would be between 45 and 50 years.
The actual confidence is reporting how often we would expect the
procedure used to actually capture the population
median. We are pleased that this is close to the stated 95% confidence level.
(g) Column 2 indicates whether the data
were collected in Section 1 or Section 2.
I changed something about my appearance between the two sections.
Suppose I find a statistically significant difference in the average guess of
my age between the two classes, flipping a coin in advance to decide which
appearance I would use in each section. Would you be willing to attribute the
change in the ages to the change I made in my appearance? Explain why or why
While I did randomly assign
the two treatments in a sense, I did so at the class level rather than at the
individual student level. So there could
still be a confounding variable between the two sections (e.g., I looked more
tired later in the day) and we should not draw any cause-and-effect conclusion
here. (Actually the average was 10 years larger in section 1!)
In a recent study (Klein, Thomas, and Sutter, 2007), researchers found that
current smokers were more likely to have used candy cigarettes as children than
current nonsmokers were.
(a) Identify and classify the
explanatory and response variables.
EV = whether used candy cigarettes as child
RV = whether or not current smoker
(b) When first hearing of this study,
someone responded by saying, “Isn’t the smoking status of the parents a
confounding variable here?”
what “confounding variable” means in this context, and describe how parents’
smoking status could be confounding (i.e., describe what would need to be
It would be a confounding variable if it provides an alternative
explanation for the observed association. To do this, it must differ between
the explanatory variable groups and potentially impact the response
variable. So if those with smoking
parents are more likely to be allowed to play with candy cigarettes as children
but also more likely to smoke due to the environment they were raised and/or
genetics, then the smoking habits of the parents might better predict who is a
later smoker, but would also explain why current smokers are more likely to
have played with candy cigarettes.
5) Newspaper headlines proclaimed that
chocolate lovers live longer, following the publication of a study titled “Life
is Sweet: Candy Consumption and Longevity” in the British Medical Journal (Lee
and Paffenbarger, 1998). In 1988, researchers sent a
health questionnaire to men who entered Harvard University as undergraduates
between 1916 and 1950. The study included 7841 men, free of cardiovascular
disease and cancer. From the questionnaire they determined whether the
respondents consumed candy “almost never” (3312 men) or “sometimes or often”
(4529 men), and then they tracked the participants to determine whether or not
they had died by 1993.
(a) Identify
the observational units.
(b) Identify
the response variable.
or not the person had died by 1993.
(c) Identify
the explanatory variable.
the person was classified a candy consumer (sometimes or often) or not a candy
consumer (almost never)
(d) Was this an
experiment or an observational study? If an experiment, was it a randomized,
comparative experiment? If observational, was if a case-control study? This was an observational study because the candy-consumption
levels were not imposed
on the men in the study, the men in the study chose for themselves. This is probably best
classified as a cohort study because they were identified, their candy
consumption determined, and then followed for 5 years to determine the outcome
for the response variable. This means its legitimate
for us to use this data to estimate the probability of still being alive.
(e) Researchers
found that of respondents who admitted to consuming candy regularly, 267 had
died by the end of 1993, compared to 247 of the non-consumers of candy. Set up
the calculation for Fisher’s Exact Test for deciding whether candy consumers
are significantly less likely to have died than non-consumers by completing the
The conditional proportions of death are 267/4529 = .05895 and 247/3312 =
bet is to set up the two-way table:
consumer |
non-consumer |
Total |
alive |
4262 |
3065 |
7327 |
Died |
267 |
247 |
514 |
Total |
4529 |
3312 |
7841 |
If we
let X represent the number still alive in the candy consumer group, then we
want to find above X (even more survivors in candy consumer group)
p-value = P(X
> 4262
) where X follows a hypergeometric distribution
with parameters
= 7841 M = 7327 n = 4529
can also look at the number deaths in the candy consumer group, which we expect
(in the long run) to be less than the number of deaths in the non-consumer
group. In this case, p-value = P(X < 267) where X follows a
hypergeometric distribution with parameters N
= 7841, M = 514, and n = 4529.
are other correct set ups as well.)
(f) The study
reported: Between 1988 and 1993, 514 men died: 7.5%
of non-consumers, but only 5.9% of consumers (age adjusted relative risk 0.83;
95% confidence interval 0.70 to 0.98). Interpret
this statement as if to someone who has never taken a statistics class. In particular, what do you think is meant by
“age adjusted relative risk”?
interval provides an assessment for how much less likely a candy consumer is to
die in this time frame than a non-consumer. The values in the interval are all
less than one, so if we knew the death rate of non-consumers, we would multiply
by .70 to .98 to find the death rate for those who eat candy.
adjusted relative risk” essentially looks at the relative risks in different
ages groups (so only comparing men of similar ages) and then roughly averages
across those values to get an age-adjusted relative risk. This helps ensure we
have “controlled” for age since we couldn’t do random assignment.
(g) Based on
this interval, I would consider the comparison statistically significant. Why?
because 1 is not inside this 95% confidence interval, we know the two-sided
p-value is less than .05.
(h) This does not
appear to be a large difference (7.5% vs. 5.9%), are you surprised that this
result is statistically significant? Explain.
1. No
because the relative risk takes the magnitudes of the values into account. 1.6
percentage points may not be a lot but it’s a decent fraction of 5.9%.
The sample sizes are pretty large so even a weak association will probably end
up being “statistically significant.”
(i) The
study also reports: We then examined different levels of candy
intake. Compared with non-consumers, the relative risks of mortality among men
who consumed candy 1-3 times a month (1704 men), 1-2 times a week (1589 men),
and 3 or more times a week (1236 men) were 0.64 (0.48 to 0.86), 0.73 (0.55 to
0.96), and 0.84 (0.64 to 1.11),
Does this
result provide evidence of a “dose-response”? Explain.
the relative “risk” of surviving that long is increasing with increasing
amounts of candy!
(j) And then: Finally, using life table analysis
truncated at age 95, we estimated that (after adjustment for age and cigarette
smoking) candy consumers enjoyed, on average, 0.92 (0.04 to 1.80) added years
of life, up to age 95, compared with non-consumers.
Based on these
results, are you willing to conclude that eat candy leads to a longer life?
this was not a randomized comparative experiment, so we can’t draw any
cause-and-effect conclusions.
possible confounding variable is “happiness” – those who are happy and relaxed
and not worried about what they eat are more likely to consume candy than those
who are stressed and worried and watching their diet closely. But that happier lifestyle may also be
responsible for longer lives.
(k) What
population are you willing to generalize these results to? Explain.
most well-off males (graduates from Harvard), but even that is risky as this
study did not involve random sampling. It’s possible the access to medical care
and long-life span for such individuals is not representative of all adults
(certainly not women).
6) A study of whether AZT
helps to reduce transmission of AIDS from mother to baby (Connor et al., 1994):
Of the 180 babies whose mothers had been randomly assigned to receive AZT, 13
babies were HIV-infected, compared to 40 of the 183 babies in the placebo
(a) Create a segmented bar graph to display these
results. Comment on what the graph reveals.
This bar
graph (and the conditional proportions of 13/180 vs. 40/183) indicates that
mothers given the placebo were about 3 times as more likely to have babies that
were HIV positive than were the mothers given AZT.
(b) Check the validity conditions for whether a
two-sample z-test can be applied to these data. Be sure to mention
whether the study involves random sampling from populations or random
assignment to treatment groups.
The number of
successes and failures in each group should be at least 5. The four
values are 13, 180-13 = 167, 40, 183-40=143. This condition is met.
(c) If you were to carry out a simulation to
obtain a p-value, would you simulate random sampling or random assignment? Explain.
The data are
from randomly assigning subjects to two treatment groups. So our p-value
will want to reflect the random variation from random assignment (e.g.,
shuffling the 363 cards (53 successes and 310 failuers)
to groups of 180 and 183).
(d) Conduct an appropriate test of significance
to determine whether the data provide convincing evidence that AZT is more effective
than a placebo for reducing mother-to-infant transmission of AIDS. Report the
hypotheses, test statistic, and p-value. Also indicate
the test decision using .01 as the level of significance.
The null
hypothesis is that AZT and a placebo are equally effective in reducing
mother-to-infant transmission of AIDS. Specifically, the probability of
HIV-positive babies born to mothers who could potentially take AZT is the same
as the probability of HIV-positive babies born to mothers who could potentially
take a placebo. In symbols, the null hypothesis is H0: πAZT
- πplacebo = 0.
alternative hypothesis is that AZT is more effective than a placebo for
reducing mother-to-infant transmission of AIDS, or that the probability of
HIV-positive babies born to mothers who could potentially take AZT is smaller
than the probability of HIV-positive babies born to mothers who could
potentially take a placebo. In symbols, the alternative hypothesis is Ha:
πAZT - πplacebo < 0.
Because this
is a randomized experiment and the counts are on the small size, we could carry
out Fisher’s Exact Test.
Or we could carry
out the random assignment simulation
And find the
p-value by counting how many re-random assignments have a difference in
proportion with HIV positive babies (AZT –
placebo) of -.146 or less
Or, because we
said in (b) that the theory-based approach should be valid, we could go
straight to the Theory-Based applet to carry out a ‘two-sample z-test’
With such a
small p-value, reject H0 at the .01 level of significance.
We have very
strong statistical evidence that AZT is more effective than a placebo for
reducing mother-to-infant transmission of AIDS. We can say ‘more effective”
because this was a randomized, comparative experiment.
(e) Estimate the difference in the risk of
transmission is with AZT compared to a placebo with a 99% confidence interval.
Also be sure to interpret this interval in context.
For a
confidence level other than 95%, it is best to use the Theory-Based applet or JMP or R when the validity conditions are met.
(Otherwise, we could take the SD from the null distribution but we would want a
multiplier larger than 2 for 99% confidence, 2.576.)
We are
99% confident the difference in HIV transmission rates is between 5.33 and
23.95 percentage points. As the values in our interval are all negative,
we know that the AZT transmission rate is lower than the placebo transmission
rate by somewhere between 5.33 to 23.95 percentage points.
Note: a
confidence interval for the relative risk is probably more appropriate
here. We could find one (95%) in the
Two-way Table applet or JMP.
We are 95% confident that the
risk of HIV transmission is 45% to 83% lower with AZT than with placebo.
If we set up the other way
(larger than one):
We are 95% confident that the
risk of HIV transmission is 1.81 to 5.84 times larger with placebo than AZT.
(f) Summarize the conclusion that you could draw
from this study (significance, estimation, causation, and generalizability).
Also explain the reasoning behind each component.
this was a well-designed experiment with a small p-value, we can conclude that
AZT caused the observed difference in HIV transmission rates. If AZT and a
placebo were equally effective in reducing mother-to-infant transmission of
AIDS, we virtually never see sample results as or more extreme as those we saw
in this experiment by random assignment alone (p-value < .0001). We are 99%
confident in concluding that AZT lowers the HIV transmission rate somewhere
between 5.33 and 23.95 percentage points over that of a placebo, which seems
noteworthy in this context. We might have some caution in generalizing these
results to a larger population as we don’t know how the HIV-positive mothers
willing to participate in this study were recruited.