Stat 301 - HW 6

Due noon, Friday, Feb. 21


If you submit your assignment in Canvas, remember to upload separate files for each problem and to put your name inside each file. Remember to show your work/calculations/computer details and to integrate this into the body of the solution.


1) In Wednesday’s lab, you used the Two Population Proportions applet, but what if we wanted to explore another statistic?  Here are the R and JMP equivalents for Example 1.



Push the green triangle to run the script.

Right-click and choose Edit to see the script.

You can change numsamples to 1000 and comment out the “wait” lines. (Press Save or Done to update)

On the mac, choose File > New Script and then copy the contents of this file into that window.


Because the Inv 3.11: sleep deprivation/car crash study is a case-control study (p. 232), we should not use the data from that student to estimate the probability of a car crash, either overall or in either group. Therefore, the difference in proportions and relative risk are not recommended statistics. However, the odds ratio is a very relevant statistic.

Odds ratio = (number of successes group 1/ number of failures group 1) / ((number of successes group 1 / number of failures group 2)) =

(a) Using R or JMP, modify the simulation from Wednesday’s class to calculate the odds ratio each time.[Remember to change the code in 2 places in JMP and in R to pick the correct code to modify.] Include your histogram, summary statistics, and normal probability plot.  Is the mean of this distribution close to what you expected?  Explain. (Make sure you include a copy of our code/script.)

Caution: I wouldn’t use the name “or” for your results.

[Alternatively, you can use the two-way table applet to carry out the simulation, just keep in mind that it’s modelling random assignment, not random sampling, and doesn’t provide normal probability plots.]

(b) Because the distribution is skewed to the right, a log transformation might “normalize” the distribution. Take the natural log of the odds ratios you generated in (a). Include output of a histogram, summary statistics, and normal probability plot.  Would you consider this distribution to be approximately normal?

(c) Is the standard deviation of the distribution in (b) similar to , where A, B, C, and D are the four cell counts?

(d) Use the standard error from the formula in (c) to calculate a 95% confidence interval for the population ln odds ratio. (You may still need to calculate the sample odds ratio for this study)

(e) Back-transform the interval in (d) to estimate a 95% confidence interval for the odds ratio.  Interpret your interval in context.

(f) Does the interval in (e) provide convincing evidence that there is a significant association between whether or not New Zealand drivers get at least one night sleep and whether or not they are involved in a car crash the next week?  Explain your reasoning.

(g) Use JMP or R (or applet) to obtain a 95% confidence interval for the odds ratio.


fisher.test(matrix(c(61, 44, 474, 544), nrow=2))


R’s results will differ slightly: R inverts a test, doubling the one-sided p-value, rather than using the normal distribution.


Enter the two-way table into 3 columns in JMP


Select Analyze > Fit Y by X, specify the car crash column as the response, the sleep column as the explanatory, and the count column as the frequencies.


Press OK. Then use the hot spot to select Odds Ratio. You will need to “invert” the confidence interval limits, but that’s the beauty of odds ratios – you can!





2) When surveys are administered, it is hoped that the respondents give accurate and honest answers. American researchers investigated whether the mode of survey delivery affects respondents’ willingness to disclose socially undesirable information (Schober et al., 2015, “Precision and Disclosure in Text and Voice Interviews on Smartphones”, PLOS One). They recruited people to answer 32 questions from US social surveys via text messaging or speech, administered either by a human interviewer or by an automated interviewing system.  In particular, question 6 asked


Voice: “In a typical week, about how often do you exercise? ‘Less than 1 time per week’, ‘1 or 2 times per week’, ‘3 times per week’, or ‘4 or more times per week’?


Text: “In a typical week, about how often do you exercise?

A. Less than 1 time per week

B. 1 or 2 times per week

C. 3 times per week

D. 4 or more times per week


We will focus how often respondents chose the “most extreme categorical response option in the stigmatized direction” (less than 1 time per week).

(a) Hypothesize a reason why someone might be less likely to respond unfavorably to a human interviewer than to a text.  Hypothesize a reason why someone might be more likely to response unfavorably to a text than a human interviewer.


Suppose we had the following results





Success: Less than 1 time per week




Failure: At least 1 time per week









(b) Calculate the difference in conditional proportions, the relative risk, and the odds ratio.  Include a one-sentence interpretation of each.

(c) State appropriate null and alternative hypotheses to determine whether the delivery mode appears to influence how often individuals choose the least desirable response.

(d) Use the hypergeometric distribution in JMP or R to calculate a one-sided p-value, P(X > 8). (please do one-sided) Show the details of your calculation. (You can use technology, including the applet, to check your answer for the p-value from Fisher’s Exact Test, but you should also demonstrate that you can determine the p-value using the hypergeometric distribution directly.)

(e) Is the two-sample z-test likely to be valid here?  Calculate the pooled estimate of the standard deviation of ­12 (p.189). Use the normal approximation to find the one-sided p-value (e.g., Normal probability calculator applet) and then verify the z-statistic and p-value using R or JMP. How does this p-value compare to the exact p-value?

(f) One way to improve the normal approximation is to use a continuity correction. Instead of finding P(X > 8) = P(1­2 > 8/31 – 4/32), we find P(X > 7.5) = P(12 > 7.5/31 – 4.5/32).  Use the normal approximation (with the same standard error as in (e)) to find this probability (and the double it for a two-sided p-value). Is it closer to the exact p-value?


3) Continue the previous study. The actual data can be found here (PDTVISdata.csv) and the codebook can be found here.  Column B specifies the interview mode and column D specifies whether or not they completed a required follow-up debriefing.  Column U contains the answer to Question 6. 

(a) Carry out the following data cleaning steps, documenting your efforts:

·       Subset the data file to only include those who completed the debriefing. (You should now have 634 subjects.)

·       Code the responses to the exercise question to be “less than 1 time per week” or “at least one time per week” 


newQ6 = PDTVISdata$main_Q6

newQ6[newQ6 == 1] = "less than once"

newQ6[newQ6 == 2 | newQ6 == 3] = "at least once"

Also search on “recode”?



Highlight the column you want to recode.

Select Cols > Recode.

Change the numbers so that you map some into the same category.

·       Code the interview modes to be text or call (see the codebook!)

Recreate a two-way table from the cleaned dataset.

(b) How do the statistics for the actual data compare to what you found in problem 2(b)? How do you expect the p-value for this data set to compare to what you found in problem 2(d)? Briefly explain.

(c) Carry out a two-sided, two-sample z-test. Include the output. How has the p-value changed, as you predicted?

(d) Use R, JMP, or applet to calculate a 95% confidence interval for the relative risk of responding “less than one time per week.” Include a one-sentence interpretation of the interval, being especially clear on how you are defining the parameter and on the direction of the difference you find.


riskratio(61, 44, 535, 588, conf.level=0.95,



See the instructions in problem 1, and then use the hot spot to select Relative Risk.  Check the box to calculate all combinations and then pick one to interpret.

(d) Does the confidence interval agree with the size of the p-value? Explain how you are deciding.

(e) From the data file, use the original response and interview mode results to create a 4x4 segmented bar graph (or mosaic plot).  Summarize what you learn from the graph.



Possible Extension Assignments

·       From problem 3: If we want to compare the probability of responding “less than one time per week” across the four categories, we could carry out 6 different pairwise comparisons. What would be the problem with such “multiple testing” on the same dataset?

·       Find a study in the news that interprets a relative risk or odds ratio.  Do they include a confidence interval?  Do they include cautions about drawing cause and effect conclusions? Do they “adjust” the estimate for other variables?

·       What else did the researchers explore in the text vs. voice study?

·       From problem 1: Do more investigation as to why the standard deviations for repeated random sampling and re-random assignments differ.  Can you explain why one is usually larger than the other? Which one matches the theoretical formula better?

·       Participate in SAFER survey and reflect on the experience