I always set up a series of learning objectives first, and then design my questions to test those learning objectives. I always provide some sort of real/relevant scenario for every exam question, because I believe you should never ask a student to do something without a good reason (for example: calculate the mean, median, etc. without a reason). I don't care so much if the data are "real" in the sense that it was an actual data set. I just care mostly that it is a relevant scenario for the students, always. My exams are probably 75% conceptual, and 25% computational (always embedding the computations within the concept questions, always within a relevant scenario). On a 100 pt exam, I typically have 6-7 questions with 4-5 parts each, and each part is usually worth around 4-5 pts. Sometimes larger problems are worth 10 points, but not very often. They are usually broken into smaller parts that build up. I like to have bigger problem solving opportunities, without scaffolding, but I don't typically use exam time for that.

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