I usually spend 1 class period reviewing. It's optional but I figure if it's a good review session, students will come to it (and they typically do). I come prepared with remarks and usually discuss the big picture, not going over lots of problems, but rather making connections, and stressing how you start problems given different situations. I typically have a review sheet of the big ideas. Then I leave a few minutes for questions. I never liked totally open question-answer reviews when I was a student (we always spent time on questions I already knew the answers to and never got to my questions) so I don't do them. I hold extra office hours prior to an exam, basically open ended timewise, but I don't do that on the day of the exam. The day of the exam, I take myself out of the loop, or I'll get bombarded with students wanting to learn everything at the last minute. Keeping myself out of the loop the day of the exam helps keep my students holding themselves accountable, I feel.

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