We went over the exam during the class period following the test period. Each student received her/his corrected exam paper for this review. I indicated how many points were received on each item and identified the error(s) on the incorrect items, showing what could have been done to correctly answer those items. The students and I selected the items we discussed. I provided the score distribution. I encouraged students to discuss with the class why they chose the answers they did, although I explicitly indicated that they could not fight with me (or other students), be rude, or monopolize class time. I would determine when the discussion about a particular item was over. Occasionally, students would have valid reasons for selecting or creating what I initially considered to be wrong answers. When this occurred, I would indicate that I wanted to consider the possibility that they were right and would let them know during the next class period. The test review process usually took at least 30 minutes. Students were encouraged to come to my office for further private discussion.

I did not allow students to keep copies of the exams. Some students had access to organized test files while others did not. Instead, I encouraged them to make notes that they kept. Students also could come to my office to review tests any time they wished.

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